Can I Mount a TV Over My Fireplace

Answers to this burning question here.
TV over fireplace

Many homeowners today are mounting LCD and plasma televisions above their fireplaces. But is that smart? Really, with all the heat a fireplace generates, is it OK to do that? The short answer is – yes. However, to ensure your television isn’t damaged from the heat, care must be taken to ensure heat generated by the fireplace is redirected away from television.

There are several ways to do this, such as installing a proper mantel and building an alcove for the television. In addition, it’s very important to ensure minimum clearances are met. The infographic below was designed to help clear the confusion.

TV Mounting
Click here to view a larger PDF of this infographic.

It’s very important to follow the specifications in the fireplace manual, and carefully read and adhere to the television manufacturer’s specifications. If in question, it’s best to err on the generous side for clearances to ensure the television doesn’t incur damage.

Fireplaces and televisions complement each other beautifully, providing entertainment, ambiance and warmth. There are many styles and options for fireplaces that will look great with your television. See for yourself here.

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